Saturday, June 11, 2011

Susan's DC Internship part 2

Susan's first day at NMAI involved a lot of walking. So much walking that she ended up with some pretty nasty blisters on her little toes. There is a CVS pharmacy close by the dorms so she got some band-aids and anti-bacterial ointment. I think the toes are doing much better now.

She rides the Metro (subway) to/from work. I had thought she would ride buses. It took a day or two for her to find a place to get a Metro card that she could put money on so she wouldn't have to pay cash every time. It sounds like she will need about $22 a week to get to/from work.

One her biggest problems is the total lack of Dr. Pepper. She is finding it very hard to find her favorite soft drink. She did find some at a store but she didn't want to lug it all the way back to the dorm with all the food she was getting.

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