Saturday, October 25, 2008

Francis Tuttle Advisory Council Meeting

I attended another FT AC meeting yesterday. It was nice to see Kris Vanderwater and Marc Hill again. Brett Schuchert has the leader of the group since last year and he does a great job.

There was a lot of talk about TDD, BDD, Agile, XP, etc with great input from everone. We always come up with way too much for Marc to be able to teach in 9 months.

I'm thinking he needs to teach them the language (which he does with a self paced online course) and then get them into groups of 4 to work on a team project. Along the way, try to mention as many aspects of programming as he can, drilling down into some of the more important or popular pieces.

Some of the things mentioned that I have to google to learn about were: JQuery, json, google code, rdf & sparql. (from a different source - Bruce Cox keeps mentioning Woodstock when he talks about his java 2 course that is using jsf). A List Apart was mentioned as a great source (along with w3) for web type stuff.

Google Code looks really neat. I guess google has internships etc that use this...maybe? interesting. Les probably told me about it a long time ago.

Marc was wanting a site(s) where students could go watch videos that talk about things like TDD, XP, Agile, etc. The only site I thought of was The Server Side. Does anyone know of any others?

The swag this year was a FT clip with a magnet on it and a nice pen. The coffee, donuts, bagels, and fruit were great too.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

thanks for the update Brian, maybe next time round I can get involved.

I'm not sure if I told you about Google Code, but I have been aware of/used it for a while now.

A list apart is an awesome web reference, CSS is king there. JQuery is really cool and makes javascript less cryptic.

Hope all is well.